Software Development

CTC develops custom applications for our clients on mobile platforms and devices that include iPhone™, iPad™, BlackBerry®, Android™ and Windows®.

Our team has the knowledge and experience to help you build a lasting mobile presence that will meet your business needs. In today’s market and economy we understand that a business needs to keep up by having their own custom mobile platforms for meetings, statistical tracking management, invoice and billing applications, timesheet and employee tracking devices, you name and need it and can dream it we will build it.

For established organizations, implementing a mobile strategy presents another opportunity for you to reach customers and build relationships. CTC has extensive experience in mobile app development across a wide variety of mobile platforms and in developing enterprise or business mobile applications for long list of satisfied clients.

As an industry leader in the development of revenue-generating mobile applications, CTC can guide you through the process of taking a great idea and converting it from a broad concept into a revenue-generating reality.

Many companies are trying to stay relevant with their customer-base through the use of mobile apps.  CTC has been developing mobile apps for several years and our developers have a wealth of experience developing custom mobile application solutions for our clients.

CTC develops:

In addition, our team produces HTML5 applications and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) sites for mobile phone usage. Our experienced team will translate your ideas for a mobile application into a real usable product.

Why Go Mobile?

Smartphone users are data-driven consumers and they have come to expect mobile accessibility for everything. They also understand that mobile applications are location-enabled and should have a number of integration options including social networking, promotions, map displays, and more. Smart business owners are tapping into this direct channel in a number of ways to attract smartphone users and ensure their business success.

Be sure that your competition is looking into this development if they already have it and the customers that are looking for products through these channels will not find you unless you implement these channels in your own company; as without these that is simply another lost customer.

Person using laptop and phone simultaneously


CTC develops consumer portals that are tailored to the unique requirements of the client. Our consumer portals provide clients with a dynamic and interactive web-based vehicle that gives potential customers access to product and/or service information in a manner that promotes revenue as well as customer loyalty.

Regardless of the targeted audience or vertical, CTC has the experience and expertise necessary to develop and deploy a consumer portal that will effectively increase traffic, drive revenue, and deliver a superior customer experience.


The amount of applications that can be provided to a business is only numbered by the need and imagination of both CTC and our clients when we work together to build user friendly platforms to manage your data.

Business portals can effectively help companies manage their data and information more effectively by providing user-specific customized views and reports based on their roles. CTC has developed hundreds of business portals including those for workflow management, accessibility of web-based tools, cross department and location collaboration, and approval-based processes while integrating third party vendor solutions and single sign-on authentication when necessary.

Encouraging user-generated content and information flow allows the knowledge base to grow and can provide valuable data across departments.  Business Portals can be deployed as a hosted solution or behind a company's firewall; whichever suits your business needs CTC can provide.

Customer service rep with a smile

Business Partnerships

Enterprises today need a web-based ecosystem that is driven by roles, responsibilities, automation, interaction and approvals. It also needs an environment that is secure, but open to its partners for use so they have visibility into the processes that govern the relationship. CTC has proven experience in development of dealer/partner portals that fully satisfy all of these requirements. CTC’s typical dealer/partner portal provides clients with the following key elements:

• Environments that can be customized for each partner.
• Functionality to facilitate and control critical business requirements such as revenue tracking, commission calculations and payments, legal document handling, vendor qualification routines, selected information sharing, etc.
• Inherent flexibility that allows business owners to make changes without the necessity of IT involvement.
• A secure ecosystem that is based on assigned roles and permissions.
• A comprehensive environment that provides all critical sub-components of a robust dealer/partner portal (CRM, ERP, SCM, PLM, E-commerce).

Contact us today to get a quote on your custom app development project!